Blockchain technology has received enormous attention since Bitcoin was launched in 2009 and has become the frontier of technology advancements and application innovations in recent years. In particular, blockchain is now recognized as a critical part of the new ABCD of modern technology, that is, Artificial intelligence, Blockchain, Cloud computing, and big Data. However, many research challenges and opportunities remain to be tackled and surmounted in areas such as blockchain infrastructure decentralization, blockchain network governance, blockchain security and privacy, and the nature of machine trust in blockchain-based systems. Because blockchain is an integral part of automated business processes, the implementation of this technology can vary greatly between organizations across different industries.
The aim of this special issue is to highlight novel and high-quality research in blockchain technology and applications, and to examine the current and future impact of blockchain systems, and related technologies including data verification before block confirmation, authentication of data ownership, and dataflow across blockchain systems. Considering the decision-making focus of DSS publications that bridge the gap between managerial and technical perspectives, this special issue is open to all manuscripts that make a significant research contribution to blockchain systems and applications in business sectors such as finance, insurance, healthcare, manufacturing, supply chain, education, and government.
In terms of research paradigm, we invite manuscripts with system-based implications that draw on various analytical, empirical, and technical methodologies including, but not limited to, system development, econometrics, decision theory, operations management, experimentation, and engineering. We strongly encourage submissions that follow a design science research perspective, which aims to develop cutting-edge IT artifacts. That is, all technical and quantitative research methods that are helpful in tackling real-world challenges confronted by managers, engineers, and researchers via blockchain technology are welcome.